Thursday, August 04, 2005

These blog entry titles...

At times it seems to become increasingly difficult to come up with an appropriate title for the new entries. Well, but here we are. Some first info on "Disconnected" got released today, and this afternoon we've spent almost an hour discussing the details of this particular episode. Let's just say it's quite a challenging script because there are many little technical details which we have to work out, and we did, for the most part.

So since this episode involves the Stargate to a very heavy degree, we have to keep in mind a whole lot of things which have been established about the gates over the many years of SG-1 and since Atlantis premiered. Well, we've figured out how to do all this. There's some research to do regarding some scientific aspects, and I'll be reading up on those things later on. Because of time reasons, Joe and I have both been working on the outline for this episode, and currently I'm reworking some earlier parts, as I'm working toward resolving the situation in the end. The fifth act presents a whole new challenge, because here we don't have to set up and explain a problem in a scientific plausible way, but we actually have to solve the problem. But we're getting there too, and the episode stays on schedule. The outline should be done and ready by the weekend, and next week we'll be able to proceed to the script.

Marian has been making some great progress on the episode she is currently working on. For this one we've only got a very interesting and somewhat misleading working title: "Body Snatchers". That actually came from the initial idea, which has changed a lot, so it's no longer fully accurate. You could also call this "The Mystery Episode", because there's a great mystery involved, and if it pans out right you should not be able to tell until toward the end what it is. But we really need to come up with an appropriate title at some point.

While we're at it, I'll throw in another working title, and this one should give you a clue: "Sivok Returns". Yup, he's still out there, as we've learned at the end of last season's finale "Judgment Day". We'll check in on what he's been up to recently.

As I'm typing this I'm trying to decide whether or not I should go and buy some Diet Coke, because the supplies are currently empty. I've mentioned several entries back that I switch regularly between Diet Coke and Diet Pepsi. Don't know about you, but I like them both. So if I don't go over to the store to buy it now, I'll be without it until tomorrow. Hm. I think I might just go and buy it real quick to ensure I will be able to survive. It's hard to survive without it.

An update on the 24 front: last night I've watched two episodes. Episodes 18 and 19 of Season Four. Five more to go, and my re-watching of the season will be complete. Once I pick up Season One of Battlestar Galactica I'll be re-watching those episodes, and I think it's also time I've watched some Star Trek episodes again. I haven't seen TNG in some time, but I might just watch some of the classic episodes of the original series very soon. With almost 40 years old, that show just continues to be one of my favorites. It's the great stories, the wonderful character dynamics, and just the classic Star Trek elements that make it what it is.

Naturally it won't be long until I'll get to re-watching Seasons One and Two of 24 once again. It's actually been a while since I've seen the early episodes of S1, so it's time to go back and re-experience them. Expect regular 24 reports, as usual.

It's also not all too long until S8 of SG-1 and S1 of Atlantis come out on DVD. So naturally there's some re-watching coming up there as well.

Well, now I'll just get over to the store real quick, and obtain my new supply of Diet Coke. This particular store only sells Coke, but I'll be getting some Pepsi soon as well. Hey, you have to keep a balance with these kind of things. I'm sure you all agree with that. Where would this all end if there wasn't any kind of balance to keep things interesting?

Until next time! Have a good night!



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