Sunday, July 03, 2005

That breakthrough experience...

Well, I said I was going to update this blog a little more than once every other month. I know, I know, it's still taken me two weeks to make a new entry. But, believe it or not, here I am. And I'm as inspired as always.

So let me begin this new entry with a question: Have you ever had a moment of sudden clarity? A moment in which you've just suddenly got that one idea that seemed to put everything into perspective? A really breakthrough experience, and suddenly everything seemed so clear to you? Well, I've had one of those moments, actually several of them during the past few days. What I'm talking about is that I'm finally starting to make some progress with a feature film screenplay I've been working on. Don't worry. I'm very much busy with Stargate:Horizon, and I'll have some latest news and updates for you about that, too. But if you want to make it into the business it's good to have various things in your screenwriting resume. Actually my attention often bounces around between three different projects: Horizon, which I believe will really be finding its footing in this upcoming second season; this movie concept; and a concept for another sci-fi series. Horizon is obviously for fun and for the entertainment of fans all around the world, and I'm very excited about the episodes we're currently working on. These other two projects I actually hope to see on the screen at some point in the future. Well, I'd like to see Horizon on the screen, too. But let's put it this way, the other two projects could make it to the screen without me getting sued by MGM.

Anyway, this movie idea has been something I've been kicking around for quite some time. I won't be going too much into it because it's in its earliest stages, and it will no doubt continue to change around, but I think it's safe to say that it's unique. I think that's one of the reasons it's been taken me so long to really get anywhere with it. I really want things I come up with to be different and unique, and as I said, suddenly I've been having some ideas which should really help getting the story off the ground. I guess the basic concept could be described as a mystery thriller with some sci-fi elements (hey, anything I come up with seems to be sci-fi in one way or the other). The story deals with one of my favorite subjects, a subject which also plays quite an important part on Horizon. I'm talking about destiny and purpose. It's kind of a fun theme for me to play around with. So it shouldn't be that much of a surprise that the Nebulan Woman on Horizon keeps referring to destiny. Well, but that's only one of a couple of underlining themes of this story. It also reflects my personal love for philosophy, and it should raise some interesting questions. What I'm hoping to do is come up with a screenplay and eventually movie that will stay in people's minds after the end credits roll over the screen.

I'll give you some updates on the project as it evolves. I might have had some breakthrough ideas, but the story is far from being completed; well, and I'm far from having a first draft. But by the time I'll be moving to LA next year, it should be there. Yeah, we're very confident about that, aren't we?

So what else is new? Season Two of Horizon is in full production, and I've completed the pink draft of the first part of the season opener "A Time To Rise". Pink draft just means in other words the third draft. There's a color code system that you use instead of just saying second draft, third draft, etc. I'm about halfway through the first draft (which is the white draft) of "A Time To Rise, Part Two" and it's looking good. We've been working on fleshing out a couple of ideas lately, and currently every member of the writing staff has something to work on. There's the third episode of the season for which it's taken us a while to come up with a strong enough plot to make it work, but I'm very happy with what we've managed to come up with. Currently the story is being called "Disconnected" and Joe is the one writing it. We should have an outline pretty soon.

Episode four of the season will be dealing with some pretty large scale events, and originally we were going to call it "United". But then we realized: hey, that's the title of an Enterprise episode. So we decided that we would need to come up with a more original title; a title which hadn't come up anywhere else recently. One of the reasons for that is that we have a story idea we're currently calling "Twilight", and you guessed it, that's another Enterprise title. So, the rule is you can only have a certain number of familiar episode titles over the course of half a season, and this one required changing. Maybe we'll come up with an alternate name for "Twilight" once we get to that episode. We'll see. Anyway, now pull out your dictionaries, the current title of episode 2.04 is "Troika", and Sam is the one writing it. Here we should also have a completed outline very soon.

Eric Pasternak is a new writer who has joined the staff this season. And ever since he's been on staff he's been pitching episode ideas on a regular basis. A very inspired fellow, to say the least. I just like being complimentary in these blog entries. Yup, I know, I know, I'm a very generous person. That's just great, isn't it? I'm sure everyone will just have to agree with that assessment. Actually I can already hear Eric fully agreeing with me if he were to read this entry. Anyway, so, uh...let's...let's get back on topic. So Eric has been put to work on one of the ideas that he came up with. And I'm also very excited about this episode, because it will deal with some interesting issues. It's called "Providence", and it's been slated episode five of the season. We've already been through two drafts of an outline, and last week, as we were discussing it, there were some notes for some minor last changes before the script will be written. So once this revised outline is done, work on that script should be commencing very soon.

We also have an interesting episode concept revolving around a certain ship of ours, and some aliens, and some trouble, and some more trouble, and some more...uh...a situation involving this certain ship of ours, and some more...well, that's all I can tell you right now. Seriously. I also like this episode concept very much. It's an idea which has been pitched by Aaron Percival, a freelance writer. A freelance writer is someone from outside the staff, who's been submitting some ideas to us. Once some of of the major plot points have been worked out, Aaron will be writing the outline and then the script for that episode.

So that's the latest; hope you're all paying attention, as some episode titles are being unveiled here. As I mentioned there's a concept which we're currently calling "Twilight". That title might or might not change. It's a story concept I'm also pretty excited about; once we've worked out some things it should turn out to be a unique episode. I personally think it's a great sci-fi concept. There have also been talks about a "D.C./Son Story". Yup, D.C. has got a son. Now all you need to know is what D.C. stands for. Maybe we just call him D.C. because he's from Washington. Yeah, that's where he's from. But wait, it's already been said that he's a Vorian officer. Well, there goes the Washington rumor that I was planning to set up.

Well, more information will follow over the weeks. This character name should be revealed pretty soon, too. And there should be a surprise coming up; something we're quite excited about.

Now what else can I say? Recently I've been re-watching some movies, which I think are great. One of them is I, Robot. It think that's a really great story. It's a traditional sci-fi story, which in subtle ways comments on our society. Eventually I'll have to read the book on which the movie is based on. Because, shame on me, I've never read it. Another movie I've been re-watching is Collateral. That's also a great movie. It's a movie that reminds me that I should never take a job as a taxi driver, because, man, that's one dangerous job there. I'm planning to watch the original War of the Worlds movie before watching the new version. Again, shame on me, I've never seen the original. I have seen The Day The Earth Stood Still, and I think that's also a great movie. Now, I can hear those who would say: "But that's a movie from the fifties." And I would have to say that's true, but it's still a great movie. One of the great classics in my opinion. Another recent DVD activity of mine is that I've been re-watching Season Three of 24. I think I'll also be re-watching Seasons One and Two, and of course Season Four on tape, as I look forward to it coming out on DVD in December. You guessed it, I'm a huge fan of 24. I think it's a great show. I can only recommend to those who've seriously never watched it to check it out. Hey, you also get to see three actors from our virtual cast on Horizon on 24. What an interesting coincidence...or not?

Naturally I'm also looking forward to July 15th, when the new seasons of SG-1, Atlantis, and Battlestar Galactica premiere. And believe it or not, I've been pondering whether or not I should pursuit a six week acting course since I've spotted this certain add online. Acting has also always been an interest of mine, but except for a school project ages ago, I've never really pursuit it. At least not to such an extent, but you know, I might just be doing that. To be more precise, I will be doing that. I'll keep you informed. Can't help it. I've just got too much to do. My interests have no limits.

Well, that should conclude this week's entry. I'll be back with the latest updates very soon.


At 12:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I do agree! :) But I also have to say that you are rather inspired yourself. Thanks for saying all those nice things. You are way (way) to generous.

At 12:17 PM, Blogger Elite Anubis Guard said...

nice, I like to be mentioned in things. I wanna hear more about your original ideas. Keep em coming cap'n!

At 1:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

[url=]kJTJikxlPdI[/url] - oApUBXb ,


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