Sunday, July 24, 2005

The latest entry...

Well, quite some things have evolved since my last entry. To answer the very first question that I'm sure is on everyone's minds right now: Yup, I've bought a new remote control. That was quite a funny thing that day actually, because right after I had bought it and came home I realized I didn't have any batteries for it. Well, I did have batteries, but not the type of batteries that would fit into that particular remote control. It would probably have been good to check what batteries it requires while I was still at the store. Anyway, since I needed the remote control to adjust the video recorder in order to tape the All New Sci-Fi Friday, and since I had waited until the very last moment to buy the remote control, I was forced to go and buy some batteries.

Well, the battery thing wasn't too much of a problem. There's a nice little store very close-by, and fortunately I was able to acquire what I needed. So you'd think that's it, but nope, not quite. After I got back home again, I found myself confronted with the next...uh, thing to do. I had to figure out which of the endless possible codes for the remote control would work for my video recorder. But of course that wasn't too much of a problem, either. I did wonder, however, why there are six different codes listed for one and the same device. I suppose that's just to make it a bit more exciting; otherwise it would be way too easy. Okay, I assume there's some technical reason for least I'd hope there is, because otherwise it would be kind of...well, strange. Anyway, I ended up getting the video recorder all up and running about TEN MINUTES before I had to turn it on. Wow! I did say I tend to do things last minute. I wasn't kidding.

Well, so now we're into the new seasons of both SG-1 and Atlantis. What can I tell you without giving away spoilers for those who haven't seen the episodes yet? Hm. I think I could tell you that I personally thought they were great. It seems SG-1 has managed to indeed start off a whole new chapter. In many ways the new season almost feels like another spin-off, while at the same time it isn't. I think that's a great thing. The new cast members are great, too. Ben Browder (who for some reason reminds me of Chase) and Beau Bridges manage to create some really interesting and likeable characters. I like how the writers and the actors managed to create characters that don't feel like a copy of previous characters. Colonel Mitchell is definitely not O'Neill, and General Landry is a very different character from General Hammond. I can't wait to see more of them. Then of course there's Claudia Black and Michael Shanks, who's characters just make a fun couple. We haven't seen too much of Dr. Lam just yet, but she looks like Lexa Doig, who is Michael Shank's real-life wife. And I like how the Jaffa storyline is developing; I think that will lead to some interesting things. Christopher Judge has even more hair as well as a whole new hair style this season, and I think it looks good. Well, I like the new story elements just as much as the new characters, and we've learned some interesting new facts about the Ancients. All in all, it's, like I said, great. I can't wait to see more of it, and, honestly, the way it looks now, I can easily see this show going on for many, many seasons to come. I can't tell you too much about Atlantis because that would be difficult without giving away spoilers. I can tell you that I also thought it was great, and that I also liked the new characters. One of them tends to speak in a mysterious language every now and then, and seems to be...not very tolerant when it comes to humans.

Now, I'm not one to complain easily; hey, in fact, I don't really complain all that much...most of the time, but when it comes down to the new opening credits, or I should say the so called new opening credits (that little 10 second add Sci-Fi put together), all I can say is: what in the world is that?! They replaced the wonderful opening title sequences of both shows with that...thing. And why do they do it? To show some more commercials. I just can't can't tolerate that. I can't. I tried...but I can't.

Battlestar Galactica also has a shorter opening title sequence, but at least it still has an opening title sequence. They are using the UK theme now; I'm still trying to figure out why they would use a different main theme in the UK than in the US. If anyone of you, who is reading this, knows the reason, feel free to fill me in. I'm just curious about that. Well, now regarding this show, I can't tell you too much either, because that would also give away spoilers. That's just the thing with these cliffhangers. I thought the new episodes were pretty good. Some interesting things going on. I haven't had a chance to listen to Ron Moore's podcast commentaries on the episodes yet, but I've downloaded them, and they're just waiting to be listened to.

Speaking of episodes, I've finally, finally managed to finish a first draft of "Condition One", formerly known as "A Time To Rise, Part 2". I've mentioned before that the title might still change, so be prepared for that. Anyway, this is one of those rather challenging episodes. It's pretty safe to say it's one of the biggest episodes we've ever done. Well, and those big action sequences are fun to watch/read, but they're just as hard to write sometimes. Basically just because everything has to make sense. Each action sequence and scene has to be perfectly thought through, and even in script stage it has to be choreographed. You need to know what exactly each of the characters involved is doing at which point in time, and you need to make sure it all comes together right.

"Condition One" is definitely the biggest episode we've done with regard to stunt sequences. In this episode we have some people flying through the air, being smashed against walls, or being caught up in some pretty challenging fights with a pretty huge blue alien creature...with gills. So if we were a television show, our stunt and fight coordinator would have his or her hands full with this episode. Grant finds himself flying through the air various times actually.

As most of you probably know by now, the Season Two premiere will be a special length 90 minute episode called "A Time To Rise". This wasn't originally planned; we were actually going for a regular two-parter. However, part two, which is now "Condition One", would have turned out way too long, so the decision was made to make the first part a special length 90 minute event, and to move parts that were originally supposed to be in part two into part one. Now, the funny thing is, part two is still on the verge of being too long. On television and virtual television shows the length can be your greatest adversary at times. Well, I've have managed to get the first draft down to a regular length; however, some small parts that were supposed to be in the end of this episode will just have to be moved into the next episode, which is called "Disconnected". In many ways the first four episodes of the season will be almost like a four episode arc, so moving parts around like that isn't a problem at all.

This week I'll be busy re-writing and revising "Condition One". I haven't even turned in the first draft yet. I want to go through it once more before doing that. "A Time To Rise" has been pretty much completed; I've been looking at the current cut/version in PDF format, and I think it's looking really good.

Now, I think tonight I'll be watching one or two episodes of 24. I'm still re-watching Season Four, by the way (on tape). I'm only up to episode 11, so episode 12 is next. It'll be getting dark pretty the episodes that is. Episode 12 of Season Four takes place between 6pm and 7pm. I know, I'm repeating myself again, but I'm just loving this show. Joe Hodkiss just recently started watching it, and he tells me he's become a regular viewer now. Of course. How could you not be hooked after watching one episode. I secretly think Joe might have checked it out because, well, I keep talking about least every now and then I might mention something about it. It's not like I bring it up in every blog entry or something like that. Anyway, this isn't the first time that I've introduced new people to the show. In fact, believe it or not, about five people I know have started watching 24 through me. I think I should be getting credit for that.

My latest movie experience is Fantastic Four. I saw that last week, and I thought it was pretty good. It seems different from most super hero or comic book movies (at least from the ones I saw), because it seems to be much more of a lighter film. I thought it was pretty entertaining. I also saw the last ten minutes of the first episode of Firefly. I've actually never seen the show, but I've heard it's pretty good. Well, after all FOX (I believe it's FOX) has invested money into a feature film version of it, which is coming out by the end of August, I believe. That doesn't happen too often after a network decides to not continue a show. Firefly is one of the sci-fi shows I plan to eventually watch the whole way through; the other two would be Farscape and Babylon 5. I've only seen a few episodes of those, but I liked what I saw. The problem with Babylon 5 was, I started watching it somewhere toward the end of its fourth season. Well, and since it's all an ongoing story, I ended up having a bit trouble fully following all of the storylines. It was similar with Farscape actually. I guess it's just better to start watching a show from the first episode.

Well, eventually, you know, when my career gets up and running, I'll be adding lots of stuff to my DVD collection. I also recently saw parts of a mini-series on TNT, called Into The West. Here, again, I haven't seen all of it, but from the episodes that I did see I thought it was pretty good. And not only because one of our Horizon main cast members is in it (which naturally would be reason enough to watch something), but because I also thought it's a really great story. I found out it will be coming to DVD in October, so I think that's when I'll be watching all of it.

Additional DVDs to acquire from October thru December are Stargate SG-1 Season Eight, Stargate: Atlantis Season One, and 24 Season Four. That's the order in which they'll come out.

Well, that would be the latest for now. I'll be back soon with more.



At 2:29 PM, Blogger Elite Anubis Guard said...

Wouldnt agree about Teal'c's hair but nice new post. Really excited for the new season of Horizon aswell as Sg1/at

At 4:22 PM, Blogger Alex said...

Thanks. You'll get used to Teal'c's hair eventually. :-)


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