Friday, December 23, 2005

Blog Wars - Episode 729: A New Christmas

Hey everyone, and once again I'm back with a new entry. I apologize for not having updated the blog all too often lately, as things have been quite busy. That being things related to Horizon, or things related to the pilot episode of this other show that I'm finally writing (no virtual series - if we ever see this one, it'll be on the good old TV screen... at some point... many years ahead), and completely different things, like this new job that I've started about a month ago. I'll elaborate on that if you're interested. It is the kind of job where I actually work tomorrow, but it's all good. Mainly because I'll also pick up a paycheck, of course.

Time has really been flying by I must say. Seems like yesterday when Season Two premiered, and, here we are, looking back at the first half of the season. I must say I was quite happy with how the episodes have turned out. I was a bit concerned about one of them while working on it, but I think, in the end, it turned out well. So, what can we expect from the second half of the season? Well, let's say we'll kick things off with the conclusion of the mid season two parter (no surprise there), which I'm currently writing. I finished act three today, and it's already turning out quite long. I'll do my best to keep the length contained, but I fear I might have to shorten some parts in the end, or, dare I say it, even sacrifice a scene or two in which case you'd see them as a deleted scenes. We'll see. It's looking pretty good so far. Interesting to be working on part two while seeing some first feedback on part one. I think the conclusion will be quite interesting, as well as surprising in some ways. I'm looking forward to having another Grant/Williams beat coming up in act four, which will kind of help us understand Williams' reasoning some more. The intent is to also give some more insight into both Grant's and Williams' characters, and to see how they both feel about the way they're now confronted with each other.

Speaking of Williams, not quite what we expected I'd say. To be honest, for some time we didn't quite know whether his character would turn out to be a Kih'Andari agent or not. I'll say that when I initially wrote "Judgment Day" there was no doubt in my mind that he was an impostor. But, at some point we started playing with the idea of what if he's actually the real General Williams working undercover? And, voila, here we are. He's had those Kih'Andari guys fooled all along.

I've also started working on the outline for "Zach Story". I've got it pretty much broken down in my head, and I've got it written up until halfway through act three. I do think that I might not have enough to go on, which is surprising because normally our episodes turn out too long, and not too short. So, I might have to add a new twist to the original story to have enough beats for act four. I can't say too much about this particular episode just yet. Only that it will be told completely from Zach's point of view. We'll be observing the events from his perspective from start to finish, which I believe should make for a unique episode, and it will give us some more insight into what makes this charming, brilliant, heroic, and seemingly invincible journalist tick.

Other stories in the works are "Yusuf Returns" and "The Game". The first focuses on Yusuf's return to Horizon and an interesting revelation regarding some Ancient gene experiments. "The Game" will focus on Grant as he finds himself in a bit of a unique situation, as he deals with the after affects of a rather unusual game. Both these episodes could be described as stand-alone episodes.

We still need a story for "Aschen 3" (NOTE: Title likely to change). It will be the third installment of the Aschen arc, which began in "Rise of the Aschen". We haven't decided on anything yet, but the plan is to see some old friends (or enemies) in this episode again. If you're thinking it could be Elin and Seeta (our favorite Aschen ex-couple), that might be a fairly good bet. We've also got both a potential David as well as a Tom episode concept (those are two different episodes), and we're thinking about doing a Christmas story arc next season. I pitched out the idea that Santa Claus could actually be an Ancient, living on Earth at the north pole, and that the Ancients invented Christmas for a higher purpose. Granted, it's too early to talk about Season Three, but I could imagine doing a season long arc, that deals with our heroes having to solve the mystery of the Ancient Christmas carol mythology which might be the key to not only understanding ascension, but the universe itself. The ghosts of Christmas past, present and future would obviously be ascended Ancients. In this event Charles Dickens would have been one of the surviving Ancients, which explains the origins of Ebenezer Scrooge, who in turn was an Ancient at risk of falling victim to the book of origin, thus becoming an Ori follower, which would have been devastating. I'm also considering that - that's if Atlantis would choose to incorporate this idea, which I'll pitch to Brad Wright, Rob Cooper, Joe Mallozzi & Co. once I get the chance - Christmas could be the key to defeating the Wraith. I'm still working on the details for that one.

So, quite similar to SG-1 using King Arthur mythology or Atlantis being based on the myth of Atlantis, Horizon would build a mythology based on what we know about Christmas. The arc would kick off with an episode where Callen wakes up on Earth at the north pole, and everyone seems to think he's Santa Claus. As I said, nothing's for sure just yet, and I'd appreciate knowing what the fans' take on this would be. So, post your comments on this blog, the forum or email me, and let me know: is this a direction you'd like to see the show take?

Alright, okay... maybe, just maybe that thing about the Christmas story arc was just a joke. So, don't be concerned. I was just kidding... maybe. I did actually post the idea as a story pitch in the writer's room forum, and it was interesting seeing the reactions to it, but I do think the majority of the staff realized on time that I was sort of pulling their legs. Did I mention it was just a joke?

Well, I've been watching Atlantis on DVD lately. I'm up to "The Gift", and have two more episodes to go "The Siege, Parts One and Two" before I'll be taking on SG-1 Season Eight on DVD. I've got one more episode of 24 Season Three to re-watch (I'll be doing that tonight), then I'll approach Season Four on DVD. Haven't gotten it yet, but I will do that early next week. Unless of course, Santa Claus will feel the irresistible urge to give it to me as a Christmas present. Same goes for Season Eight of SG-1, by the way. I must say, it's fascinating to have some variety in my DVD experiences lately. Instead of just continuously re-watching one show, I've been alternating between 24 and Atlantis these past couple of weeks. I'll also be getting the first season of Battlestar Galactica very shortly. But what's up with "Season 2.0"? Now I have to buy one season of one show as two separate boxes? It's incredible to see how these companies come up with ways of making even more money. Oh, well. Either way, it's a great show, and it's time to experience it on DVD.

Now I'm off to wrapping some Christmas presents. It's not really last minute, though, not at all. I do have to pick up one more tomorrow, but that's okay. Seriously. Especially because I'll get it at the place I'm now working at (with lots of discount). And after I'm done with wrapping tonight, I'll be watching the Season Three finale of 24 (great, no matter how often you've seen it). I'll probably be watching the last two episodes of Atlantis Season One tomorrow (also great, no matter how often you've seen it). Highly anticipating new episodes of SG-1, Atlantis, Battlestar Galactica and 24 - all in January! Can you believe it?

Now, I'll wrap up this entry with wishing everyone out there wonderful and safe holidays, and the very best for the coming year!




At 7:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting WWW page. Our family is using it

At 1:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whether tragic events touch your family personally or are brought into your home via newspapers and television, you can help children cope with the anxiety that violence, death, and disasters can cause.

Listening and talking to children about their concerns can reassure them that they will be safe. Start by encouraging them to discuss how they have been affected by what is happening around them. Even young children may have specific questions about tragedies. Children react to stress at their own developmental level.

The Caring for Every Child's Mental Health Campaign offers these pointers for parents and other caregivers:

* Encourage children to ask questions. Listen to what they say. Provide comfort and assurance that address their specific fears. It's okay to admit you can't answer all of their questions.
* Talk on their level. Communicate with your children in a way they can understand. Don't get too technical or complicated.
* Find out what frightens them. Encourage your children to talk about fears they may have. They may worry that someone will harm them at school or that someone will try to hurt you.
* Focus on the positive. Reinforce the fact that most people are kind and caring. Remind your child of the heroic actions taken by ordinary people to help victims of tragedy.
* Pay attention. Your children's play and drawings may give you a glimpse into their questions or concerns. Ask them to tell you what is going on in the game or the picture. It's an opportunity to clarify any misconceptions, answer questions, and give reassurance.
* Develop a plan. Establish a family emergency plan for the future, such as a meeting place where everyone should gather if something unexpected happens in your family or neighborhood. It can help you and your children feel safer.

If you are concerned about your child's reaction to stress or trauma, call your physician or a community mental health center.


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